• Mrs. Schoenrock's Flexible Learning for Bridges thru 2nd Grade

    On a flexible learning day, it is still important to get your child up and moving for about 30 minutes total throughout the day. It can be done in smaller parts but work to get 30 minutes for the day! Here are some suggestions but certainly there are many choices for being physically active.  We are working to learn that we only get one body in this lifetime so we need to take very good care of it!  Ask them what they know about their body!

    1. Play in the snow – if temperatures allow
    2. Run around outside
    3. Walk the stairs up and down several times
    4. Do some of our exercises from class
    5. Do a workout video on you tube – look up “this or that” workout video for kids
    6. Help with housework – vacuum, carry out trash, etc.
    7. Play catch
    8. Set up your own bowling lane – use water bottles or teddy bears for pins and a ball or rolled up sock to knock them down
    9. Jump rope using a belt from a robe or get creative
    10. Play a board game and mix in some exercises

     Let your child know it’s important to be physically active each day and on days like these we get to be creative! Thank you!


    Mrs. Schultz’s Flexible Learning-Grades 3-5 PE
    In PE we often talk about how important it is to get 30 minutes of some type of exercise a day. Here are some of the ways kids in our class have suggested getting your heart rate elevated: walking, jogging, riding bike, rollerblading, playing sports, raking, sweeping, vacuuming, jumping on a trampoline.

    During a flexible learning day when you are at home, your PE assignment is to try and get 30 minutes of exercise throughout the day. Here are some additional suggestions for you: Build a snowman, shovel driveway/sidewalk, make a fort, play outside with a family member or pet.

    Along with getting 30 minutes of exercise please review the names and location of the bones we’ve been learning in PE.

    Feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions, or would like to send me a picture of you getting some exercise.
    Mrs. Schultz       wschultz@nrheg.k12.mn.us