• Grade 5 
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    Mrs. Guildner's Class:  On flexible learning days, students will go to their google classroom. There will be something posted under each of their classes (math, language arts, and science).  
    For science, students will choose ONE activity to complete from the flexible learning day paper (Link here). After they complete the activity they will fill out the google form (Link here) so I have proof they completed an activity.   mguildner@nrheg.k12.mn.us

    Mr. Fischer's Class:  if school is closed, we will have a Flex Learning Day. Students will go into their Google Classroom through their Google Suite account. There will be a list of activities and assignments to complete by the end of the day. Mr. Fischer will be available to be contacted via email from 8:30- 4:00. The assignments will be posted on Google Classroom by 9:00 a.m. If you have any questions or are in need of assistance, please contact Mr. Fischer via email: mfischer@nrheg.k12.mn.us from there we can set up a Google Meet or solve the questions/ problems through email.  Let me know if you have any questions. 

    Mrs. Williams Class: In the case of a flexible learning day Mrs. Williams class will log in to their gmail account to access their Google Classroom. There will be a math, reading, and social studies or science assignment posted in the Google Classroom. Please reach out to Mrs. Williams via email if there are any questions or concerns. Mrs. Williams will be available to assist from 8:30 to 4:00. cwilliams@nrheg.k12.mn.us