Pay and Personal Information
This functionality is directed at individual employees, allowing the employee to view their personal information. The features include: Pay Stub and year-to-date information, Pay Detail, TimeOff and Leave Information, Direct Deposit and W4 information, W2s, and ACA documents
Online Ordering
This is a web-based system for non-SMART Finance users to enter purchasing information and perform all the functions related to Purchasing. SMART eR currently offers two different methods for users to request and/or place orders that transfer into SMART Finance: Online Ordering and Online Order Request.
The online ordering vendors a district can choose from today include: Staples, Innovative Office Solutions, Office Max, School Specialty, Frey Scientific, Broadhead & Garrett, Classroom Direct, Hammond & Stephens, Office Depot, Lakeshore Learning, and Express.
The authorized employee is able to go to the vendor’s website and place items in their “shopping cart”. They transfer their cart of goods into SMART Finance where this request becomes a requisition or purchase order. Once the purchase order is approved, the order can be electronically transferred back to the vendor via SMART eR.
Authorized district personnel can also create an Online Order Request (electronic request form) in SMART eR to be transferred into SMART Finance for requisition or purchase order processing. They do not go to a vendor’s website for this process. They simply choose an active vendor from the list and key in the items they are requesting. The request is transferred into SMART Finance where it becomes a requisition or purchase order.
Both of these processes are designed to save time from the requisition or purchase order process.