Policy--Unpaid Leave Administration Regulation for Teachers & Paraprofessionals--LINK
NRHEG Public Schools has a board-approved policy in place pertaining to the use of unpaid days off. This approved policy is for all employees and covers all planned absences that would result in unpaid time off. While this policy addresses many situations, not all unpaid situations are covered.
NRHEG District employees must follow the procedure listed below that best matches their situation pertaining to unpaid absences:
Planned/Unplanned Leave Request:
- It is the expectation of the NRHEG School District that employees have a primary commitment to the agreed-upon workdays. Therefore, requests for unpaid leave time during the school calendar year should be in response to an unusual, infrequent, or unique major life event.
- Requests must be submitted via the Unpaid Leave Request Form at least 60 days before the first day of the requested leave.
- Before consideration of a request for an unpaid leave of absence, all eligible forms of paid leave must have been exhausted.
- If unpaid leave is denied but taken, or unpaid leave is taken but not submitted for approval, the employee will be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal.
- No more than one approved Unpaid Leave Request every six (6) consecutive years of employment may be submitted.
- The employee will pay a prorated daily rate of the district portion of health insurance costs for unpaid leave days.
Unplanned/Unpaid Leave Request
NRHEG Public Schools understands that unplanned situations arise that are not covered by the Unpaid Leave Request policy. NRHEG Public Schools also understands that unplanned situations may occur before an employee can request an unpaid leave of absence. (i.e - need for a Safe and Sick Leave day when all Safe and Sick Leave days have been exhausted)
When these unplanned situations do occur, the employee:
- Must follow all regular requirements for reporting an absence.
- Must fill out the Unpaid Leave Request Form indicating the reasons for not reporting to work within 24 hours of their absence.
- Is hereby made aware that excessive absenteeism is considered "just cause" and is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate dismissal.