General Guidelines
General Guidelines
Many students and parents are concerned about when students should stay home or attend school. The following information is intended to help with this decision.
If the student:
- Has a fever of 100 degrees or more. The student should stay home for 24 hours after the fever has broke.
- Has vomited or had diarrhea. The student should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
- Has any communicable disease (COVID, Influenza A, Chicken Pox, Shingles, Pertusis). Please call the health office for further directions on when your child can return.
- Has any rash for which you do not know the cause. Check with your family physician/clinic before sending the student to school.
- Has an illness. Keep the student at home and call the school daily to report the illness.
Other Information:
If the student must take medication at school, written permission from a physician and parent are required. This form can be found under the tab on the left called: Medications at School."
All medications should be kept in the nurse's office. This includes tylenol, ibuprofen, cough drops, tums, cold medicine, aspirin, etc. Even if a student has to transport medications just for the day, they need to be kept in the nurses' office and picked up at the end of the day.
If you have any questions about the above information or an illness, please call your family physician/clinic, or the school nurse. It is important to keep the school notified of any changes in work and home telephone numbers so the school can reach you if your child becomes ill at school.
Please Remember: