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Driver's Education


Classroom instruction for Driver's Education will be held the last week of October and the first week of November for those eligible for Driver's Education this year. Classes are held in New Richland with Duey Ferber as the instructor. Students will receive information in the mail and at school. 



If you are the “primary driving supervisor” who will supervise a teen driver for the majority of their required driving hours, you will benefit from this 90 minute class. Effective January 1, 2016, every driver under the age of 18 who completes behind the wheel instruction and is testing for a provisional driver’s license must submit a driving log. Parent/guardians have two options regarding the supervised driving log: complete this supplemental parent class and then submit a supervised driving log showing their teen has completed at least 40 hours (2,400 minutes) of supervised driving, 15 (900 minutes) of which are nighttime hours; or if the parent/guardian chooses to not complete this supplemental parent class, the driving log must show that their teen has completed at least 50 hours (3,000 minutes) of supervised driving, 15 (900 minutes) of which are nighttime hours. This course will cover the graduated driving license law information, safety risks for teen drivers, potential adult influence on teen driving behavior, and additional resources. Class dates and more information will be announced during the classroom portion of Driver’s Ed.

First page of the PDF file: FY24DriverEdParentLetterFall