*Prompt registration is encouraged as space is limited and classes may fill quickly. Additional class times may be added if needed.
*Classes without enough participants will be cancelled.
*Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Waiting lists will be formed once classes are full.
*Confirmations of class registrations are NOT sent. Please assume you are registered unless otherwise notified.
*At this time phone and email registrations cannot be accepted. Please register via mail or in person. Include fee payment with registration form, as registrations will not be taken without payment.
*If a class is cancelled due to low enrollment, fees are refunded. No refunds will be given 72 hours prior to class start date. Refunds will not be made after the first class meeting. Bus trips are non refundable after the registration deadline and some classes may be non-refundable due to registration requirements.
*In the event that a class is filled or cancelled, you will receive a cancellation notice by mail, email, or telephone – your registration fee will be refunded.
*Candid photos of participants in class or an activity may be used in NRHEG media and publications. You may decline authorization by contacting the Community Education Office at 417-2667.
*Families who qualify for the free or reduced price meal program may receive a reduction in class fees. Families may call NRHEG Community Education at 507-417-2667 to determine if they meet the criteria. South Country Health Alliance (SCHA) members may take up to $15 discount per class on most classes, limit of 5 discounted classes per year. If a class is less than $15, the member may take the class free of charge. Members must be on SCHA at the time of registration, and through the duration of the class(es). Members must register in person in the Community Ed office and show SCHA card at the time of registration.
*Fees for ALL activities are due at time of registration. Please register by the deadline. Make checks payable to NRHEG Community Education. Please use a separate check for each activity & put name of class in the memo line.
*Parents are responsible for their student’s transportation unless noted otherwise. When picking up your student from class, please be prompt, as additional supervision is not provided.
*In the event of school cancellation (late start, early out, or all day) classes/activities scheduled during this time will be cancelled. All programs that are cancelled or partially cancelled due to the weather will be attempted to be made up at the convenience of the instructor and facility schedules. No refunds will be given on classes that are cancelled or partially cancelled due to the weather.