Early Childhood Screening
Early Childhood Screening
The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are an important time of rapid learning and growth.
Early Childhood screening is mandated by the State of Minnesota for all children entering Kindergarten. The best time to have your child screened is between the ages of 3 & 4 (with 3 1/2 years being most ideal).
Early Childhood Screening is FREE and the ealier the BETTER! When your child turns 3, please call 507-417-2667 to schedule a screening appointment.
Screening in early childhood supports children's readiness for kindergarten and promotes health and development. Screening includes vision and hearing, height and weight, immunization review, large and small muscles, thinking, language and communication skills as well as social and emotional development.
Screening is a brief, simple procedure used to identify potential health or developmental problems in infants and young children who may need a health assessment, diagnostic assessment or educational evaluation.
Screening takes place at the United Methodist Church in Ellendale MN (200 6th St. North, Ellendale, MN 56026). Screening dates can be found in our NRHEG Community Education Brochure or by calling (507) 417-2667. We typically schedule screening over MEA week (mid-October), the beginning of February, and the end of March. Each screening appoint take approximately 1 1/2 hours to complete.
You should receive a postcard in the mail reminding you to call 507-417-2667 to schedule a screening appointment.