About Us
NRHEG Community Education Department is continually evaluating opportunities to serve you this school year. Due to the diversity of our programming we must take into consideration each class or activity individually and decide whether we are able to host that class/activity or not based on the latest guidelines set by MDH/MDE/NRHEG school district.
Decisions on whether we are able to host a class/activity will be ongoing as directives from the State of Minnesota are provided. At this point we are planning on announcing the availability of programming as it becomes available through NRHEG Community Education Facebook page, flyers sent home in student backpacks, and email. Thank you for your continued patience during this time.
What is Community Education?
Community Education is an opportunity for local citizens, community schools, agencies, and institutions to become active partners in addressing education and community concerns. Community Education embraces these beliefs: education is a lifelong process, everyone in the community shares a responsibility for the mission of educating all members of the community and citizens have a right and responsibility to link the needs of the resources to improve their community.
NRHEG Community Education is dedicated to building strong communities by offering lifelong learning experiences through social, educational, and recreational opportunities.
Services Offered
Youth Enrichment & Recreation AND Adult Enrichment & Fitness Programming - classes provide youth and adults with educational and recreational programs to gain new skills and knowledge while building strong connections and empowering the community
Early Childhood Services
- Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
- Panther Preschool
- Early Childhood Screening
Facilities Rental - Need gathers space? We have it!